As we come to the end of another Rotary year it’s time once again to take a look at the past and look forward to the future of our club.
This year has been extraordinary. Like all other clubs we have hardly been able to meet in person for over a year and had to adjust to a life on Zoom. Despite this Malling Rotary has been very active and we have continued to hold our regular meetings all year mixing games nights with business meetings.
We launched this website last August and also relaunched our Facebook page which has been updated regularly. We have purchased new publicity material with the help of a District grant.
We marked World Polio Day last October with a display in West Malling and are most grateful to all the businesses there who supported us and allowed us to decorate the outside of their premises. A special thanks to West Malling Flowers as without their help and support we would not have been able to achieve such a stunning display of balloons and posters, drawing attention to Rotary’s role in the challenge to eradicate polio.
Apart from our Treasure Hunt last summer we have held fundraising events on Zoom and are grateful to everyone who took part in these and helped make them fun while raising money for our charities.
Since December we have organised the queue management at Leybourne Vaccination Centre. A huge thank you to all the volunteers who have joined us in making this contribution to the Covid-19 vaccination rollout. A very special thanks to Neil Cornford of Malling Lions and Kings Hill Rotary who has given his time and assistance tirelessly at every session. We would not have been able to provide this support without all these extra pairs of hands.
As we think about this summer and beyond I look forward to handing over to incoming President Pam and a return to (hopefully) more face to face meetings and social and fundraising events and our long awaited 60th anniversary celebration!